AnetaforGUSD has been photographed and recorded with Bryce Henson, who does not live, work, or have children in GUSD. Bryce Henson is now under investigation for his connections to extremist hate groups. Aneta Krpekyan has not publicly renounced her ties to extremists or commented on the investigation of her fellow anti-public school protestor.
"A San Diego-based Navy SEAL is under investigation by the service for allegedly violating the military's rules against participating in extremist activity, a Naval Special Warfare official told KPBS Wednesday. The SEAL, Chief Special Warfare Operator Bryce Henson, has become a leading figure at school protests against LGBTQ+ rights throughout Southern California, according to a recent Los Angeles Times investigation."

This is who Aneta spends time with. Here is Aneta Krepkyan dancing around with an American flag outside the June 6th, 2023 GUSD Board Meeting during the anti-LGBTQ rally she appears to have helped organize and publicize. On the left, in the sunglasses and bandanna face covering is Joseph Marashlian, who was later arrested for pepperspraying a peaceful GUSD supporter, Pastor Mike Kinman.